เชียงใหม่ : 053-285157
Southern Institute of Technology นิวซีแลนด์
Southern Institute of Technology
| Christchurch | Queenstown| Invercargill
The Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) is one of 18 government polytechnics and institutes of technology offering tertiary education throughout New Zealand. SIT programmes are accredited and approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority up to postgraduate level.
Zero fees Foundation Scholarships
ทุนเรียนภาษาอังกฤษฟรี 24 สัปดาห์ สำหรับนักเรียนที่ลงทะเบียนเรียนปริญญาตรี / Diploma /Graduate Diploma / Postgraduate Diploma ที่มีระยะเวลาเรียน 1 ปี++ เพียงแค่ชำระเงินมัดจำ NZD 9,000
SIT has a proud history of vocational education and training. For 40 years we have been providing students with quality education across a range of subject areas and at a variety of levels including postgraduate study. This variety enables you to enter your training at the level that suits you and to progress as you are ready. Many of our programmes link to higher level qualifications at SIT and other institutions in New Zealand and throughout the world. We are constantly developing these relationships to ensure that our graduates have maximum mobility.
เรียน เตรียมความพร้อม Graduate Certificate ที่ นิวซีแลนด์
Graduate Certificate in Audio Production
Graduate Certificate in Contemporary Music
Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management
เรียน Graduate Diploma ที่ นิวซีแลนด์
Graduate Diploma in Accounting
Graduate Diploma in Audio Production
Graduate Diploma in Contemporary Music
Graduate Diploma in Digital Media (3D Animation)
Graduate Diploma in Digital Media (Digital Filmmaking)
Graduate Diploma in Dramatic Arts
Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management
Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
Graduate Diploma in Management
Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting
Graduate Diploma in Sport and Exercise
เรียนปริญญา บริหาร ไอที ที่ นิวซีแลนด์์
Bachelor of Contemporary Music
Bachelor of Digital Media
Bachelor of Environmental Management
Bachelor of Fashion (Design and Technology)
Bachelor of Hotel Management
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise
Bachelor of Therapeutic and Sports Massage
Zero fees Foundation Scholarships คือ
SIT provides in both English and foundation study. To be eligible in such scholarships interested applicants from Thailand enroll in up to 24 weeks of free English or a foundation program for the same period and a consecutive 1 year long program.
On applying for and entering into the zero fees 24 week English language scholarship, an initial deposit of bt 221,000(nz$9000) is made. After completion of the English study and achieving English and the academic criteria into the next program, this deposit is transferred and paid against the following years tuition fees. In effect this provide free English class which can be saving of up to th190,000(nz$7680 for 24weeks of English class) not all student require the 24 weeks of study though most will utilize 3 to 6 months of the free English classes.
Students applying for the zero fee foundation scholarships enroll on a foundation program that is up to 24 weeks in length and the corresponding diploma or degree program that the foundation program is a pathway into. A payment that reflect the length of study (16-24 weeks) of between th170,000(nz6900) and th256,000 (nz10400)is made and again this is held as a deposit for the next years study when the academic entry criteria has been attained.
สอบถามข้อมูล โปรโมชั่น ที่ตัวแทนอย่างเป็นทางการของ
Southern Institute of Technology
OEC Global Education
กรุงเทพ (02) 720 6845 -6 เชียงใหม่ 053 285157